In December 2010 DBS Bank unveiled their latest regional marketing strategy along with a new ad for the bank and Asia. This clever 30 second video shows us a bright, colorful and strong Asia, the shockwaves of witch even reaches Paris, and links this with the DBS Bank. The ad blends together a subtle mix of territorial marketing and brand marketing by associating the brand with key Asian values and images thus giving the basic marketing used in the ad an extra layer of sweetness. The "Living, breathing Asia" catchphrase is clever here and helps visualize an "active" (or pro-active) people (or company).
Short version...
Long version...
Overall, this impressive US$22m regional branding campaign seeks to create real links between the brand and company and the local markets and territories it belongs to. The plan is to allocate certain amounts of this budget to specific targets including regional markets and different regions of China. In what way we do not exactly know.
DBS has already implemented local campaigns to establish a presence in each market. “It’s now timely for us to roll out a regional thrust,” said Karen Ngui, DBS managing director and head, global strategic marketing and communications.
The marketing plan includes heavy advertising on key media: ads in airports, television ads to be played on international flights (on specific airlines such as Cathay Pacific, China Airlines, Singapore Airlines etc.), ads in specialized magazines and journals and an online marketing campaign on Facebook and smart-phones.
So the real question we are asking ourselves here is: are they using territorial marketing as a way to promote their brand or are they using the brand to promote the territory?
If you have a view you want to share, ideas on the subject or more information please leave a comment and join the discussion!
They are using territorial marketing as a way to promote their brand we can see they used only the key city's related to their business,and the territories they used is already promoted territories in different ways. but overall the add is in good standard and will help to improve the goodwill of the company than the territory...